Chryso Alpha 18
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CHRYSO®Alpha 18 is a new generation plasticizer. Its molecular structure has been especially designed to give it exceptional properties when used in dry or very low workability (VLW) concretes. Through its plasticising and dispersing ability, CHRYSO®Alpha 18 improves compaction and hence increase the packingability in the concrete. The concrete then get a denser structure and thus also reduces the capillary absorbtion.
CHRYSO®Alpha 18 increases production rates when manufacturing products with VLW concrete (i.e. block pavers). After immediate demoulding, concrete using CHRYSO®Alpha 18 exhibits a closed surface finish with a wet aspect and without surface tearing off. CHRYSO®Alpha 18 has a wide dosage range, which facilitates its use in a wide variety of concretes.
Application areas
- All cement types
- All kinds of immediate mould-release elements
- Pipes
- Slabs
- Blocks
- Kerbs
- Hollow-core slabs