CHRYSO®Dem Ekla 20
Delayed mould release agent
Vegetal emulsion
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Vegetal emulsion
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CHRYSO®Dem DEV Ekla 20 is a delayed mould-release agent ready-to-use, formulated as an emulsion from vegetable-based components. CHRYSO®Dem DEV Ekla 20 is risk-free both for the user and the environment.
CHRYSO®Dem DEV Ekla 20 is particularly recommended for use on concrete which require perfect surface aspect finishing CHRYSO®Dem DEV Ekla 20 can be used for non heat-cured concrete or up to 50°C curing temperature.
Application areas
- Precast
- Timber formworks
- Metallic formworks
- Plastic formworks
- Steam-cured or non steam-cured concrete