
CHRYSO®Premia 542 RT

High range water reducing Super plasticizing admixture

CHRYSO®Premia 542RT belongs to the new generation of stabilized polycarboxylates. The admixture CHRYSO®Premia 542RT is designed for the production of concrete with a high capacity for spreading and filling the forms – and is a product developed in the FILL-FREE® technology. CHRYSO®Premia 542RT is characterized by a reduced viscosity and a long duration of maintaining a constant consistency.

An important characteristic of CHRYSO®Premia 542RT in concrete mix is ​​a high tolerance to changes in the amount of added water. Concrete admixture CHRYSO®Premia 542RT contributes to a rapid increase in early strength, even with CEM II and CEM III and/or the use of alternative binders.

Application domain

  • Self consolidating concrete
  • High Performance Concrete – Very High Performance Concrete
  • Prestressed concrete
  • Precast

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